Reasons Why You Should Take Vacations With Your Children

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Vacation Series

4 Reasons Why You Should Take Vacation with Your Children 

One thing that parents tend to do is to load their children with activities. This is great, for sure! Children should spend time doing sports, meeting other children, enjoying their youth, etc.

However, us adults forget that children also need to have vacations as much as adults. Sometimes, even more so.

Some parents might feel guilty about taking them away from their friends and summer activities, some kids might even whine they can’t spend summer with their school friends.

However, taking a vacation not only benefits your productivity, as talked about in my other article, it also benefits theirs.

Plus, you have the added bonus (or really the main benefit) of quality family time.

Quality Family Time

I need to cover the main benefit of taking vacation with your children – quality family time!

At home, there are a lot of distractions – phones, tablets, televisions, computers, etc. By going to an unknown place such as a new town, country, state/province, or just camping in your nearest park, it removes most, if not all, the distractions to enable families to spend time together.

Parents might be surprised at knowing that as much as children love watching YouTube, they would much prefer to spend time with their parents.

A freelancer of mine teaches English as a second language to children online. She told me stories of hearing stories of the children’s weekend or vacations. She said that the children who spoke of their family time seemed happier and more excited than those who sat behind technology all day.

Increase Brain Growth

The same freelancer also said that she noticed the children who took vacation or spent quality time with their families seemed to pick up English faster than those who didn’t. It was interesting to me because learning a second language is definitely outside anyone’s comfort zone and difficult, but yet they picked it up quicker.

Whenever we feel happier and confident, going outside our comfort zone isn’t as nerve-wracking as we might think. Which means, though our brain works harder to accommodate the state of being uncomfortable, it isn’t stressful.

For a child, pretty much everything is outside the comfort zone due to their age and lack of life experience. Taking them on vacation, gives them those opportunities to keep growing and adapting. It will help them with their own future life journey.

Life is a Classroom Outside the Classroom

While they are outside their comfort zone, they will be faced with different situations that they would never experience in a classroom.

As the cliché goes:

“Life is the greatest teacher”

School is 100% amazing; however, I can admit that I learned a lot of things outside of school. I am sure most adults, looking back, will say the same.

This freelancer also shared numerous stories with me about her childhood travels with her parents. She said that she encountered different experiences that she now realizes had a big impact on how she handles situations today.

A New Set of Social Skills

One of my freelancer’s favorite moments that she calls “life changing” was when she took Spanish classes in Sevilla, Spain at 16, by herself as her father was in a different class level, for a month. She said she was surrounded by a variety of people and when she got back home – back to school, she became more confident and self-asserting.

Going on vacation with parents allow children to socialize with people they probably never would have encountered within their day-to-day life.

These people could include different:

  • Nationalities

  • Languages and accents

  • Ages

  • Cultures

My freelancer told me she met so many different nationalities through this experience. She got to learn to understand different accents and word choices.

The Benefits are Numerous for Taking Vacation with Your Children

There are so many reasons why you should take vacation with your children. There are numerous benefits for you, as a working adult, but also for your child, for their future.

Remember, taking vacation is a great step on the road to productivity!

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