Strategic Productivity Partner was born out of my deep passion for

empowering others to become their very best selves by working smarter, not harder in order to achieve all that they want to with freedom, happiness & confidence.

It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Megan.

Consider me your strategic productivity partner and guide. Fueled by yoga, meditation and being peacefully productive.

Never did I dream a lifetime of asking questions along with an addiction for planners and organization systems would eventually lead me here. But I’m so glad it did!

As a strategic productivity partner, I live out my purpose everyday by helping entrepreneurs who have more ideas than time go from a place of frustration and dread to a place of productivity and business growth.

Before transitioning into the remote lifestyle…

I was blessed to have spent 20+ years working with amazing people around the globe as an Employment Coach, National Project & Program Manager, Deputy Director & Benefits Services and Account Manager in Corporate America.

Over the last 5 years as a freelance strategic productivity partner, I’ve had the opportunity to specialize in setting up and manage International Remote Operations teams, research HR laws for all 50 states and work for Upwork as a Professional Team Project Coordinator, that’s just to name a few.

It has been pretty mind blowing to find what opportunities and adventures are possible in the remote world! And now, I want to show you how to become your most productive self.

My business was born out of my deep passion for empowering others to become their very best selves by working smarter, not harder in order to achieve all that they want to with freedom, happiness & confidence…

I look forward to connecting with you to figure out the best way to work together as Strategic Productivity Partners!

Find the clarity you need to get more done in less time.


You don’t need to be in a constant state of frustration to achieve all you want to…

Hourly Connects

We will discuss the best format for coaching sessions for your schedule.

Monthly Retainer

Need support on a monthly basis? I got you covered.

Productivity Boost

Programs designed to give you a boost in whatever way you need…

“I wish I’d known about this sooner!”


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Time can be pesky when you don’t use it to your advantage…
Ready to learn how to get more done during the day?