What is Your Productivity Status?

What is easier – describing your dating status or productivity status? This is part one of our Productivity Love series where I will be asking you questions about your relationship with productivity!

Grab a piece of paper to write down your answers and make sure to keep them in a safe place so you can refer back to them in the next article in this series!

Your Past Productivity Habit Relationships

Let’s talk about your past relationships with productivity. Here are some questions to help you think out your past relationship with productivity.

  • What was your overall experience with productivity and productivity habits?

  • What were somethings that did go well?

  • What were somethings that didn’t go well and you wish you could change?

  • For the things that didn’t go well, why do you think that is? Was it on your side or your tools?

  • What tools or resources were you using?

  • What were your goals and intentions back then?

What Are Your Intentions for Productivity

Just like dating in our teenage years and then in our 20s then 30s and older, our intentions change. A teenager in high school is probably not thinking of marriage versus someone in their late 20s probably is thinking of marriage and or children.

This is similar with productivity habits.

Now, that you are “older,” what are your new intentions with productivity? Here are some questions to help you get started writing down your thoughts.

  • Are you looking to make life long habits?

  • Are you looking to develop a more efficient routine?

  • Are you looking to automate more?

Setting Productivity Goals

Now that we have outlined your past history and your current intentions, it is time to set your current expectations and goals.

We all want something to work right away. But, just like dating, productivity is best taken with steps. “Set realistic expectations” is a common phrase, but very important to remember! A good question to help determine what is realistic is:

What time commitment am I willing to give to develop my own perfect set of productivity habits?

Just like romantic dating, certain people are willing to meet every other day or twice a week. Others are willing to meet potential partners every other week. For you and building a relationship with productivity:

How much time are you willing to give to building your perfect set of productivity habits?

To help with figuring out how much you can commit to perfecting your productivity, here are some steps you can take as your own or modify to fit your own personal needs.

  • Try a new tool or resource once a week and test how it can help you. You can then compare these tools after a month.

  • Dedicate 10 minutes every night to create a to-do list of the items you need to get done the next day.

Make sure to check back next week for the next article in this “Finding love in your productivity habits” series! Next week we will be diving into the tools you might match with!

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